sábado, octubre 08, 2016

Green Code

Un juego perfecto para ejercitar la mente. Disponible en Play Store.

jueves, febrero 01, 2007

Medieval Market in Córdoba, January 2007,from the 26th to the 28th. Pictures taken with the students from 4th ESO groups A, B and C

domingo, enero 28, 2007

Adrián and Cristian's favourite free time activity
Adrian and Cristian are very fond of parkour, an outdoor activity they practise. Have you heard of it before? They find no barriers: they see a wall or a fence and ... they jump.
Last week, the group they form part of was interviewed for a weekly paper , "El Semanario La Calle de Córdoba" : http://www.lacalledecordoba.com/noticia.asp?id=14778, by Mónica Jurado Mejías.
Here you can see them in the group photo: Adrian is the first on the top right corner, and Cristian is just opposite, the first standing on the left. They are not jumping at the moment, but they do! (The author of the photographs is Samira Ouf)

jueves, noviembre 02, 2006

Aquí estamos alumn@s y profesor@s de 4º de eso A y B. Buenos/as chicos/as.

4º ESO A - B IES Blas Infante
This is our classroom.

jueves, octubre 19, 2006

Our idea is to make a study about the leisure habits of young people between young people of different european countries. The pupils will realize a questionnaire, process data and publish the result on the web site of their schools